Batch Scheduler using .Net 4, MEF and Entity framework 4.1 (Magic Unicorn)

Simple Batch Architecture written on C#. Uses the .NET 4, MEF and Entity Framework 4.1 Code First. If you dont need a scheduler, just use the sample code. Agents can be scheduled through a central database table. Plug-ins (or jobs) are launched through MEF.

High Sign - Increase Productivity Using Mouse Gestures (5,1 MB)
High Sign is an application that allows users to easily create and map custom gestures to perform common actions on their Windows PC. Unlike some other mouse gesture recognition software, the user is not limited to a set of predefined gestures. Written in C#, allows plugins.

MoonyDesk (windows desktop widgets) (2,5 MB)
Windows desktop plugin based widgets system written on WPF. This application shows how to implement plugin based application and onscreen desktop widgets in WPF. Requirements: .Net framework 3.5

myManga [MOVED TO GITHUB] (15,4 MB)
[MOVED TO GITHUB] Clean simple to use Manga Reader written in WPF C#.

Paint.NET Bulk Image Processor

PDNBulkUpdater is a plug-in for Paint.NET that allows you to efficiently perform operations such as resizing and converting multiple images at the same time. The plug-in contains both an integrated UI and a command line tool.

QuickMon (488,2 MB)
QuickMon is a small but extendable monitoring system to monitor services/resources and raise alerts.

ScriptIDE (27,3 MB)
Script IDE makes it easier for Web and Windows Developers to write PHP, JavaScript and HTML code for web sites and create scripts with VB.Net and Lua.

Task Processing Service

Task Processing Service is a plug-in based, multi threaded windows service that can process tasks/messages from a queue.

WPF Database Browser

WPFDBBrowser was developed to facilitate access to the database's schemas (Oracle etc.) and it's components(tables, view etc). WPFDBBrowser supports plug-in architecture for various DB types and user logic. Project is developed in Visual Studio 2010 B2 (C# 4.0).